Officers of the HGRC

Meet the Officers of the...

Hispanic Genealogical Research Center

of New Mexico


President: Pauline Anaya, PsyD

Vice President: Benny Bernal

Treasurer: Anna Vejar

Secretary: Yolanda Aragon

Member-at-Large: Louie Tapia

"Three Cultures" Monument at Chimayo, NM - photo by Marlin Aker III

HGRC Publications

NEW GNMPD Interface

WEBTrees database database

HGRC has updated our genealogy database to a great new format. We are using the WEBtrees software for the Great New Mexico Pedigree Database. This software offers many new charts, graphs, and search capabilities that we find very useful.

Herencia - The HGRC Quarterly Journal

Available for purchase at this link to herencia

We all know that the most treasured inheritance from our ancestors is the rich heritage they have left for us. In Herencia we share history and stories of this inheritance with each other.