Membership in the HGRC-NM offers you complete access to our database plus the ability to add your own geneaology research. You also will receive the monthly newsletter "NOTICIAS", and the Quarterly Journal "HERENCIA", To join us in an exciting journey of pride and heritage, join by clicking on the below to open the pdf form, print and mail your membership form today. Current yearly membership rates are: Individual $30, Individual and spouse $35, Senior citizen $27, Senior citizen and spouse $32.
Join us today and receive:
Click on the form link below and complete an application.
To our current members: Remember to renew your membership. Our membership year is from July of the present year to June of the next. Remember that the membership entitles you to receive the monthly newsletter, Noticias, and the quarterly journal, Herencia. Click on the link below and complete an application to renew your membership.
Print out the pdf Application form, complete it, and mail it with your check to: HGRC, PO Box 27250, Albuquerque, NM 87125