The HGRC-NM, founded June of 1993, is a non-profit organization organized for the purposes of:

1. Encouraging and nurturing the interests of its members in the pursuit of their Hispanic ancestors and history by providing a common ground wherein they can come together to share their genealogical knowledge and research.

2. Instructing others in the methods of Hispanic genealogical research and to provide an awareness of Hispanic tradition, culture and history.

3. Facilitating the expansion and development of the opportunities for Hispanic genealogical and historical research for its members, other interested individuals, and those organizations having like interests.

4. Promoting the utilization of genealogical collections, Church and government records, and other materials to ensure the correctness and the proper documentation of all research.

5. Developing and promoting liaison with the Hispanic community, other genealogical societies and organizations having like interests.

The HGRC-NM publishes a monthly newsletter "NOTICIAS", a Quarterly Journal "HERENCIA", and makes a variety of other genealogical and historical research/reference materials available to the membership and public at large. To join us in an exciting journey of pride and heritage, complete and mail the Membership Form Today.


Until further notice, General Meetings of the membership will be on the First Saturday of each month.

10:30 a.m.


Location announced for each meeting


President: Ronaldo Miera 
1st Vice President: Gilbert Maldonado
2nd Vice President: Jill Montoya
3rd Vice President:  Francisco Sisneros
Treasurer: P. Robert Garcia 
Recording Secretary: Dorothy Chavez Wiskup
Corresponding Secretary: Victoria Candelaria 
Member-at-Large: John Peņa 
Member-at-Large: Marlin Aker Jr

 A La Casa